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Facts and Myths about Juicing


There is a ton of information on the internet and elsewhere about the benefits of juicing and cleansing.  Sometimes it can be difficult to discern fact from fiction.  We encourage our customers to get as much information as possible by immersing themselves in the culture of juicing.  For our part, we have sought to clarify some of the common myths we encounter in our business.


A juice cleanse will help me lose 20 lbs fast.    
While it is true that the majority of people lose weight during a cleanse, it is not possible to lose 20 lbs with a juice cleanse.  You will be taking in fewer calories than normal throughout the course of your cleanse and that will result in weight loss and flattening of the stomach, but this is not a “quick fix” that will allow you to shed all extra pounds that may be desperately trying to lose.  Juice cleansing allows your body to detoxify while resetting your taste buds and hunger cues.  It is important to have realistic goals and expectations as you begin your cleanse. 


Unless I’m starving, I can’t be truly cleansing my body. 
Even experienced cleansers usually feel hungry at some point during a multiple-day cleanse.  However, that does not mean you must feel a sense of hunger in order for the cleanse to be effective.  In fact, it is typical for the sensation of hunger to dissipate as you move through the cleanse and your digestive system takes a much needed rest.  At this point, your body starts to feel lighter and more energized, while your mind starts to experience improved clarity.


Cleanses are very difficult to complete.

While cleanses can be challenging, they are not that difficult to complete with some discipline.  In fact, doing a juice cleanse can make your life a lot easier for a few days as you no longer need to deal with food shopping, prepping, and cooking meals.  Everything you’ll be consuming over the course of a three-day cleanse is included and ready to drink. 


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